Changes to car parking

ParkIT becomes PermIT

The University’s car parking permit system is changing from ParkIT to a new system called PermIT from Thursday 20 July.

Existing staff bookings, visitor bookings, day credit balances and staff permits will all be migrated over. Staff do not need to re-apply for their permit.

Please note that you will not be able to make a booking on Wednesday 19 July while the system migrates.

The new system will allow staff to book and cancel day parking on the day it is required (previously this had to be done before midnight the preceding day.)

As well as the new name, users will notice some changes to the booking process. There are guides on the car parking website in the Important Documents section and staff can contact for help.

As with the current system, users must be logged into the University’s network to access this system, using Virtual Windows Desktop if working from home. Help can be found on the IT website.

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