Successful launch of new staff network

Colleagues are invited to attend the next meeting of the recently formed Muslim Staff Network following the success of its launch event.

An informal social gathering was held at the Emmanuel Centre last month. Designed to spread the word about the new group, the event was both well attended and well received.

The Muslim Staff Network aims to provide a community for self-identifying Muslims to come together to create dialogue about their faith, as well as the wider societal issues surrounding inclusion.

Founder and Chair, Sharif Patel, said: “This is a group that’s open to anyone who self-identifies as Muslim, trying to keep it as inclusive as possible with no barriers. The vision of Islam is an inclusive vision, calling for respect for human diversity. The Muslim Staff Network should help drive this forward.”

Muslim Chaplain, Farhat Yaqoob, introduced herself and the role she plays at Leeds before Hassan Mudasir, the Network’s Co-chair, closed the event by thanking everyone who attended.

A second meeting is now planned for 1-2pm on Wednesday 17 April in the Emmanuel Centre (SR 11).

Contact Sharif to register your interest in joining the Network or for further information.

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