Brexit – a joint message from the University and LUU

The below message was sent to all staff and students on 27 March 2019.


Dear all

The University of Leeds is an inclusive, tolerant, truly international community. Our students and staff are drawn from more than 150 countries across the world, and it is core to our values and identity that everyone, whatever their background, has the opportunity to achieve their full potential and is treated equally, with fairness, dignity and respect. 

Our diversity is a strength, on which we draw socially, culturally and academically to make the University a great place to live, work and study. 

All of this will remain fundamental, whatever the outcome and impact of Brexit.

At a broad level, the three clear priorities for the University remain: the immigration status of staff and students; access to funding and finance for EU students; and mitigating the impact of Brexit on funding for science, research and PhD studentships. We will continue to lobby with our sector peers for a positive resolution to all these issues.

And on a personal level, we appreciate that very many of our colleagues and friends continue to live with significant uncertainty. Whether or not we are directly affected by this uncertainty, there is a shared understanding across campus of the anxiety the ongoing situation is creating for a significant proportion of our community. 

We will do everything we can to continue to support them, including continuing to give practical advice on issues ranging from immigration, to funding and finance, to research support and collaboration. 

Brexit quote from LUU and University of Leeds

Given that even at this 11th hour, the position still remains unclear, staff and students should be reassured that the University has done a great deal of planning to mitigate the impact of Brexit, including ensuring appropriate support for those travelling, studying or working abroad, and ensuring our supply chain is as protected as possible from any unexpected shocks.  

The University will continue to focus on its core purpose of creating knowledge and opportunity, delivered in part through collaboration beyond national borders. That is underlined by two developments in recent days – our decision, if required, to underwrite the Erasmus+ grant for all eligible students undertaking an Erasmus+ placement in Europe in 2019/20 and agreement on a memorandum of understanding with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, which will open up new opportunities for partnership.

LUU continues to listen to our students’ concerns and represent their voice to University leaders and local politicians. During this period of uncertainty LUU is directing its Help and Support team to set additional capacity aside to respond to any students who are anxious or require practical help.          

The lives and experiences of everyone at the University are enriched by our international outlook. That’s why we are committed to maintaining close ties with our European friends and neighbours and will do everything in our power to ensure we all continue to benefit from their expertise, insight and friendship. 

Sir Alan Langlands, Vice-Chancellor

Chris Morris, LUU Union Affairs Officer
Serene Esuruoso, LUU Education Officer

Any students seeking support or advice can use the LUU website or contact to talk confidentially.

For further information on Erasmus+, please contact the Study Abroad Office at: or telephone 0113 343 7900.

Further information is also available at:


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