Parkinson Building entrance steps to be replaced

Major works to improve access to the Parkinson Building will now require the iconic entrance steps to be completely replaced.

The phases of work to be carried out to replace the Parkinson Building entrance steps

Parkinson Building entrance steps to be replaced. December 2018

The current project involves upgrading the steps and handrails, together with the installation of an external lift, making it possible for wheelchair users to enter the building using the main entrance.

The Parkinson steps have been an iconic gateway to the University since the building's opening in 1951. Although a major focal point for student and visitor gatherings, the steps are one of the most inaccessible parts of campus. 

The University is keen to address this and ensure all visitors, students and staff are able to enter the building via the same entrance, have the same experience and be equally inspired.

It was originally planned to carry out maintenance on the steps, but as work progressed, it became apparent the erosion was greater than anticipated and there would be issues piecing new stonework into the existing fabric of the steps. This would also have led to ongoing maintenance costs and potential trip risks, as many of the step edges were substantially rounded after decades of footfall.

It has therefore been decided to completely replace the steps, using the same type of material as the existing ones.

While the contractor waits for materials to arrive, work will commence to the right-hand side of the entrance steps, to create the shaft for the new lift. 

Further hoardings will be installed in this area during the next few weeks, with work starting in the week commencing Monday 17 December.

The entrance to the building will remain open, but will be narrowed due to installation of the additional hoardings.

The initial phase of work is expected to be completed in January. At this point, the hoardings will be removed to provide improved access to the building.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience during this time.

Contact Mark Lines via email or the Estates helpdesk on 0113 34 5555 for further information.

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