USS: Concluding the 2017 valuation

USS has announced it's preparing to finalise the cost-sharing arrangements and will carry out a new valuation of the scheme’s funding position as at 31 March 2018.

The USS update explains: 

"To make sure we consider [recent developments] in line with the laws governing pension schemes, we’ll carry out a new valuation of the scheme’s funding position – as at 31 March 2018.

"As the last valuation was a thorough and robust review, much of the information we need is already available but we will update things like market data, forecasted investment returns and life expectancy, and we will also be able to incorporate actual investment experience since the date of the last valuation (which was as at 31 March 2017).

"We’ll work through this in the next few weeks and will formally consult UUK (on behalf of employers) on our updated funding assumptions over December and January."

To access the full update from 22 November 2018, visit the USS website.

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