Feeling at Home in Leeds

Share the new online transition guides to help students settle in.

The ‘Feeling at Home in Leeds’ online guides are designed to help students and postgraduate researchers feel part of our global campus community and navigate the transitions to living and studying in a new social, cultural and academic environment.

Drawing on diverse student stories and the expertise of staff across the University and LUU, the guides feature videos and interactive activities that encourage students to access support when they need it and identify strategies that can help them achieve their academic and personal goals during their time in Leeds.

These online guides have been developed by the International Student Office and the Digital Education Service, and represent a significant enhancement to the University’s ongoing transition support, complementing the existing face-to-face and web-based welcome and orientation activities.

Different versions of the guides for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students are now located on Minerva. A version for postgraduate researchers will be made available from Monday 8 October. The guides are intended to be used once students and postgraduate researchers have arrived in Leeds, with the option to return to different sections as their needs and interests change over time.

The main audience is international and EU students, but all students can benefit from exploring the guides. They may also be of particular interest to staff in pastoral or student support roles, including student support officers, personal tutors and staff in central services.

Students and staff can follow the links to self-enrol and explore the guides by visiting Feeling at Home in Leeds’ on the Student Education Services website.

Contact Jenna Isherwood if you have any questions about the guides or would like to discuss ways to use them with students.

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