International Society Fellowship recognition for Engineering professor

Catherine Noakes, Professor of Environmental Engineering for Buildings at Leeds, has been conferred as a Fellow of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate.

Catherine Noakes July 2018

Professor Noakes was accepted into the Academy of Fellows at the International Indoor Air Conference in Philadelphia on Saturday 22 July 2018, in recognition of her contributions to this field of research.

The Society, founded in 1992, publishes the Indoor Air Journal and supports research into the creation of healthy, comfortable and productive indoor environments. Catherine is one of 12 new fellows conferred in 2018 from six countries worldwide.

Catherine is an alumni with a background in mechanical engineering and computational fluid dynamics, which led to her interest in air distribution in indoor environments.

Her research focuses on airborne transmission of infection in hospitals, ventilation design and modelling infection risk with different ventilation strategies.

Professor Noakes says: “I am very pleased because this is a recognition by the indoor air community that my research, and that of my group, is significant and recognised internationally.

“As part of the Academy of Fellows, I will have an input into the workings of the Society and the future direction of the research area at an international level. With this comes a responsibility for supporting the next generation of researchers, not just here in Leeds, but internationally. I am also delighted to see that two-thirds of the new fellows in 2018 are women.”

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