USS Pension 2017 valuation consultation

The USS (Universities Superannuation Scheme) trustee has recently launched a consultation about the proposed 2017 valuation outcome.

Every three years, the USS carries out an actuarial valuation – comparing the size of the assets and liabilities of the pension scheme and providing detailed analysis of the factors that influence the scheme’s funding position.

USS’s consultation document can be read here.

Following consultations with them, Universities UK (UUK) will be putting forward a consolidated view on behalf of higher education sector employers, which will feed into formal negotiations.

The USS consultation is the start of an extensive process that is expected to take at least 18 to 24 months to complete, involving consideration of many issues.

The University is committed to making information available to staff members when it can, including member updates and publications, and we will update this page as matters develop.

In the meantime, further information can be found online via the links to the USS and UUK websites found on the In depth page and through the monthly USS member enewsletter, which is circulated to relevant staff at the University.

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