New Centre for Digital Learning to launch at Leeds

Come along to the launch of this new research centre on Wednesday 11 November to find out more.


The Leeds Research Centre for Digital Learning will be an interdisciplinary centre focused on digital learning and innovation in education.  It aims to have a key impact on educational practice and policy in the UK and internationally.

Professor Neil Morris, who will lead the Centre, says: "I am delighted to announce the launch of this new Research Centre.  Through it, we have an exciting opportunity to influence research, thinking and practice with colleagues from different fields and disciplines."

The Centre is looking for two Co-Directors.  If you would be interested in this role, please let Professor Morris know (37014).

The new Centre will launch:

On:  Wednesday 11 November

At:   2-3pm

In:   The Coach House, School of Education, Hilary Place

Please let Bronwen Swinnerton know if you would like to attend.