The Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC) offers new data for researchers

The Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC) has launched its data services, offering new data for researchers to garner unprecedented insights into consumer behaviour.


Bringing together the universities of Leeds, Liverpool, Oxford and University College London, the CDRC has created a safe and secure data infrastructure which will share these insights with major retailers, local government organisations and businesses across the UK to improve understanding of the complex patterns of consumer behaviour.

The aim is to use these findings to help tackle a wide range of social and environmental challenges, such as:

  • improving transport planning
  • studying the latest ethical consumer trends to help companies understand how people are making buying decisions
  • identifying different ways of encouraging people to lead more healthy and active lifestyles.

Professor Mark Birkin, Director of the CDRC at the University of Leeds, said: “We’re here to partner with policy-makers, organisations and businesses to analyse these huge data sets, as they contain really valuable information which can offer significant insights into our society. We’ve set up the centre to develop a professional, world-class service and resource, which offers incredibly high standards of secure data storage, access and analysis.”

Professor Paul Longley, Director of the CDRC at UCL, added: “We need to harness the potential of consumer-related data so we can support and guide policy-makers, service providers and commercial organisations. Insights drawn from these data sets mean they can implement new approaches, develop best practice and evaluate impact.”

Read more about the CDRC.

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