Work begins on a new programme and module management system

Work is underway on the requirements gathering phase of a project to implement a new Integrated Programme Administration System (IPAS).

IPAS will provide the single point of truth for all programme and module information; define the data model; and define and support a ‘go‐to’ process, workflow and reporting structure for programme administration.

Requirements gathering will be critical to understanding what a full-scale IPAS project would need to deliver to support our existing provision and, most importantly, to support the University’s ambition for the development of new and innovative programmes at UG and PG (taught and research) levels.

The University has appointed the specialist online curriculum management software company Akari Software to undertake the requirements gathering exercise as a stand-alone piece of work.   It will inform a business case to allow a decision be made on a preferred option for implementation of an IPAS solution.

To date, meetings have been held with a range of stakeholders on specific areas (eg Leeds Curriculum, Quality Assurance, non-standard programmes, IT architecture, catalogue data model, MI and reporting ). Themes have identified for discussion and feedback at workshops with participation from staff across all schools and faculties and relevant central services.

The project is due to report in July.  

For further information about the IPAS project, please contact the Project Manager, Sally Edwards.  Information is also available on the SES website.

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