Finding their place

Staff, student and visitor enthusiasm has helped to make the University’s open day ‘Come and find your place’ social media campaign a great success.

The flavour of Twitter feedback from prospective students on last week's open days


Staff and students from across all faculties got involved, tweeting pictures of everything from themselves and their colleagues, to their desks and posters, all framed with the message ‘Come and find your place’.

Find_your_place_LUBSExcited to have you with us! tweet from LUBS

Hundreds of prospective students visiting the campus during last week’s open days also happily took part, with over 500 photographs taken during the two days.

Find_your_place_ChemistryDesign a new medicine tweet from Chemistry

The University’s Facebook and Instagram pages, where the photographs have begun to be posted, have already received about 400 hits, and new followers have signed up to the ‘comingtoleeds’ Twitter feed in the wake of the open days.  Tweets from prospective students on #LeedsOpenDay were positive, reflected in the wordcloud illustration of them above.

The simple invitation to ‘Come and find your place’ at Leeds has been successfully used throughout the University’s printed recruitment materials this year, and the picture campaign has ensured that the message is now recognisable across social media channels too.

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