Spring into Summer with the Lifelong Learning Centre – the final countdown

Just a week to go until the first courses get up and running the Lifelong Learning Centre is still accepting registrations for our 2014 Spring into Summer programme of learning-for-pleasure courses.

There is a wide variety of subject areas to choose from including art appreciation, creative writing, culture, history, politics, language, literature, religion and science. Our provision is aimed at adults of any age who are keen to widen their interests, develop their creativity or increase their knowledge. 

Nine six-week courses will be running on the University of Leeds campus, each of which costs just £36 (£18 concessions).  Don’t forget that all staff on grades 2 to 4 can apply for funding for our six-week courses through the Learning for Life scheme.

In addition to the six-week courses we are delighted to be working in partnership with University colleagues from the School of Politics and International Studies, the Legacies of War project and the Marks and Spencer Company Archive to offer some FREE one-off daytime and evening sessions on the Scottish Referendum, on Women and the First World War and on M&S in Wartime

Spring into Summer is part of the public engagement work undertaken by the LLC so please do pass the information on to your friends, family and any wider networks which you are a part of.  We’re looking forward to welcoming a wide range of participants to the programme, from both inside and outside of the University community.

A number of the courses are booking up fast so if you’re interested don’t delay!  For more information and to register please see our Spring into Summer webpage or contact Georgina Collins  x36892. 

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