Botanic gardens - responding to environmental challenges

Sara Oldfield, Secretary General of Botanic Gardens Conservation International, will talk about the ways in which botanic gardens are responding to environmental challenges at Leeds on 18 October.

Global issues of biodiversity loss, energy use and water scarcity will be addressed. Botanic gardens are well placed to engage the public. The extent to which they do so, influencing awareness and behaviour, will be explored.

As Secretary General of Botanic Gardens Conservation International, a membership organisation that brings together around 600 botanic gardens, Sara Oldfield is responsible for BGCI's world-wide programmes, addressing the conservation of plant diversity, environmental education and biodiversity policy.

The seminar will take place:

On:  Thursday 18 October 2012

At:   12-1pm

In:   School of Earth and Environment, SR 8.119

Add to Outlook calendar.

To register your interest in attending, please contact Rebecca Slack (33373).

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