The GCHQ Lecture: GCHQ and the Turing Legacy

2012 is the centenary of Alan Turing’s birth and he remains a towering figure in computer sciences, cryptography and mathematics.

Enigma device keyboard

In honour of the contribution Turing made to British code breaking during World War II, staff from the UK Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) will give a special lecture on campus at 6pm on Thursday 4 October.  

A reception will be held on campus following the lecture, at which a functioning Enigma machine and other pieces of vintage cryptologic equipment will be displayed.

Staff and students wishing to attend the lecture and reception, should register online.  For security reasons, you will be asked to provide your full name and your university e-mail address.

Further details will be sent to you following registration (which will close on 21 September). Please be prepared to bring ID on the night.

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