Curriculum enhancement project update

The Curriculum Enhancement Project team report on progress across three project areas.

Broadening Strands

Following extensive consultation with staff and students, eleven Broadening Strand headings have been agreed, under which all electives will be grouped from 2014/15. Schools will be issued with guidance over the summer to support a review of current electives and their allocation against the strands.  To support the development of an academic vision for each strand, Broadening Strand Leaders will be appointed in the autumn.  Further details of the role and timings for the appointments will feature in the August e-news.

Academic Year

Following the initial consultation on the structure of the academic year, the Structure and Assessment Group, has been analysing and reflecting on the feedback from staff and students to refine the original proposed model. A revised model is now available for staff to consider.  Please email your feedback to Chris Butcher by Friday 7 September.

Assessment and Feedback

In parallel to the thinking about the shape of the academic year, workshops have taken place with staff, to start the discussion about what assessment should look like at Leeds; a paper has also been shared with FTSECs . The feedback from these sessions is summarised in the Consultation Documents section of the project website.

For further information about the Curriculum Enhancement Project, contact Caroline Letherland.

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