Dr Mark Everingham

We are very sorry to let members know of the death of Dr Mark Everingham, Lecturer in the School of Computing.

Mark graduated in Computer Science from the University of Manchester, where he proved to be a student of exceptional achievement.  Awarded his PhD by the University of Bristol in 2002, he became a research fellow at the University of Oxford, working on a project in the area of computer vision, with the aim of bringing a cognitive level of understanding to video material. In 2006, he was appointed to an RCUK Academic Research Fellowship in the School of Computing and was made Lecturer when his Fellowship had run its course.

A very gifted computer scientist, Mark’s research in the area of computer vision and machine learning had already earned him many plaudits. His loss will be very keenly felt by all who knew and worked with him, particularly his colleagues in the Computer Vision community and the Computer Vision Group within the Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Biological Systems.

Further information will follow shortly.

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