Let's talk about food!

Join the Leeds Oxfam Group on Wednesday 4 July for an inspiring evening of discussion about local and sustainable food (and some eating too!)

“The global food system is broken. It's not just drought. Or famine. Or a bad harvest. A whole host of interlinked factors such as climate change, land grabs, food price spikes and intensive farming are stopping one billion people worldwide from having enough to eat.” Oxfam Grow Campaign Website, 2012

In the context of these global challenges, how can we create a better food system through local action?  What can we do locally to support our local economy and producers?  How can we make the most of our local resources?

Come and hear about local projects that you can get involved with and support, from growing your own food to combating food waste.  There will be speakers from some of the creative and wonderful community projects in Leeds.

The discussion will take place:

On:  Wednesday 4 July 2012

At:   6-8pm

In:   Woodhouse Community Centre, 197 Woodhouse Street, Leeds

Add to Outlook calendar.

This event will be run in a ‘Global Café’ style.  Hear from each project in turn and discuss and ask questions in small groups, then enjoy some food and carry on the discussions.

Food will be provided by members of the Oxfam Leeds Group - home cooked food on the theme of seasonal, local and sustainable.  Please bring a dish along to add to the feast if you can.

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