Achieving impact in age-related research

Professor James Goodwin, Head of Research at Age UK, will be giving a guest lecture at Leeds on 28 March on 'Achieving impact in age-related research'.

Professor Goodwin will disclose the latest evidence on the factors which are known to influence knowledge transfer and which have been used in the production of the new World Health Organisation knowledge transfer model for ageing and health - a 'global first'.   He will show how this model can be applied to meet the needs of an ageing population in the UK and what practical considerations should be used by researchers in identifying, achieving and demonstrating research impact.

The lecture will take place:

On:  Wednesday 28 March 2012

At:   12 noon

In:   Lecture Theatre A, Mechanical Engineering

Add to Outlook calendar.

About Professor Goodwin
Professor Goodwin is chair of the WHO Expert Advisory Group for Knowledge Transfer on Ageing and Health.  He is chair of the Knowledge Transfer Group for the New Dynamics of Ageing 'Halcyon' project and was a HEFCE panel member for the REF 2014 pilot exercise.  He has advised the UN on their research agenda for ageing and is a member of the UN ECE advisory forum.  He is a reader for the Queen's Anniversary Prizes and reviewed the submission for the Leeds University Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering.  He has given evidence on ageing science to two Parliamentary Select Committees and to the US Senate.  He holds a visiting chair in the physiology of ageing at Loughborough University. His research field is climatic physiology, specifically the impact of environmental extremes such as heat and cold on the cardiovascular physiology of older people.

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