An opportunity missed? Israel, Syria and the deal that never was

All are welcome to a lecture at Leeds on 20 February by Dr Ahron Bregman, Lecturer and Teaching Fellow in the Department of War Studies at King's College, London.

Dr Bregman worked as a Consultant/Associate Producer on two major BBC TV documentaries: The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs (1998) and Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs (2005). He is the author and editor of several major studies elating to the Arab-Israeli conflict, including:

The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs (Penguin, 1998)

Israel's Wars: A History since 1947 (Routledge, 2010)

A History of Israel (Palgrave, 2002)

Occupation: Israel and the Occupied Territories since 1967 (Penguin, forthcoming, 2012)

Defeat: Israel in Lebanon 1982-2012 (forthcoming, 2014)

The lecture will take place:

On:  Monday 20 February 2012

At:   4pm

In:   Lecture Theatre 2 (rm. 3.04) Clothworkers' South Building (opposite LUU)

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