Hands on the future 2012

Are you interested in being a stallholder or presenter at the University's third Hands on the Future - Gadgets and Gizmos for Student Education event in March?

Planning is beginning for the third Hands on the Future event, which will take place on Monday 26 March 2012 from 12-3pm.  The event aims to showcase new technologies for student education and examples in practice from staff who are using technology to support and enhance learning and teaching.  SDDU are looking for colleagues who would like to:

a) Staff a stall for up to three hours to demonstrate their use of technology and where possible give colleagues a 'hands on' opportunity to try the technology for themselves

and / or

b) Give a presentation (10-15 mins) about their use of technology

and /or

c) Contribute to a rolling screen of electronic posters by creating a PowerPoint poster to be displayed at the event.

See an overview of previous events

To register your interest in presenting / exhibiting at this event please contact Ellie Barker by 31 January 2012.

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