University email phishing scam - updated 4.11.11 (2.20pm)

Following the phishing scam yesterday morning, ISS will continue to monitor the email queue periodically, releasing any legitimate emails. The situation will be back to normal on Monday.

Update 3.11.11 (2.30pm)

As a result of the phishing scam this morning a number of users have revealed their ISS username and password to spammers. These ISS accounts are now being used to send spam email through the University's email servers.

In order to reduce the impact of this, some email is now being held, queued up and examined by ISS before being sent out of the University. The people who's emails are most likely to be affected by this are those emails coming from mobile devices. If you send an email from a device which is not on the main campus network you are more likely to be affected by these delays.

Incoming email is not affected.

Message published this morning about the scam

The University is currently receiving many emails which claim to have been sent from the Vice-Chancellor, Michael Arthur. This email is not genuine. Please do not respond. The email has the subject 'Upgrade your Account' and the signature 'Michael Arthur, Vice-Chancellor'. It asks staff to click on a link where they will be asked for their username and password.

Colleagues who have clicked on the link have had to have their accounts disabled. Please contact the ISS help desk immediately (, tel x33333) if you have responded to the email.

Please remember that you should never click on links in emails, but should type the address into your browser, and never give out your password or personal information unless you are sure it is a legitimate site.

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