Professor Subedi elected Vice-President of the Asian Society

Professor Surya P Subedi (School of Law) was elected Vice-President of the Asian Society of International Law at the third biennial conference of the society in held in Beijing.

The conference was attended by some 350 leading international lawyers from all over Asia, including judges of the international courts and tribunals, members of the International Law Commission, and deans and heads of various law faculties within Asia. It was chaired by the current President of the Society Dr Hanqin Xue who currently is the Chinese judge at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. 

Professor Surya Subedi has also been been elected to the Institut de droit International (The Institute of International Law) which has only 132 members elected from around the world. The Institute of International Law  founded in 1873 at the Ghent Town Hall in Belgium, when 11 international lawyers of renown decided to join together to create an institution independent of any governmental influence which would be able both to contribute to the development of international law and act so that it might be implemented.

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