Risk management of events protocol

A training workshop is running on Thursday 30 June where staff can work through any questions on the risk management process.

If you'd like to attend, please book online or contact Rudolphe Solentini -  r.r.solentini@leeds.ac.uk for more information. The training will be delivered in conjunction with the conference and events team.

View the full list of health and safety training courses available

We know that this has been a particularly complex protocol to implement as it has brought about a new way of working. Thanks to all staff for their help in putting it into practice. The protocol is now beginning to bed in, and we will shortly issue a slightly updated version of the guidance, which should clarify answers to many queries. New FAQs are already available

Advice and support is available from health and safety managers to ensure events can go ahead, and if staff have particular queries it's best to involve their health and safety manager early in the planning.

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