Joan Balchin Memorial Awards 2011

University administrators and senior clerical staff are invited to apply for awards from the Joan Balchin Memorial Travel Fund.

The awards are intended to further the education and training of administrators and focus on assisting with their travel expenses in achieving this aim.

One or more of the awards may be made each year and the value will be determined in the light of the plans of each successful candidate and of any other financial assistance that may be available. The awards are tenable either in the UK or overseas and may be held concurrently with other awards or income.

Consideration may also be given to the award of a limited number of smaller grants towards costs of conference and accommodation expenses where these are exceptionally high.

The value of each award will be determined by the committee in the light of the plans of each successful candidate and of any other financial assistance that may be available. Grants are not intended to defray the whole costs.

Applicants, who must be eligible for membership of AUA, should submit detailed proposals indicating how their education and training will be developed and including details of proposed travel arrangements. Copies of the Regulations of the Fund are available from Sue Edwards, telephone ext. 34040 or email.

Ideally, completed applications should be received by Sue Edwards before the end of April 2011, although it might be possible to consider late submissions if funds permit.

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