Senate discussion of Resource Allocation Model (RAM)

The Senate discussed plans to update and refresh the formula used to distribute government funding and fee income to schools and services – RAM - ahead of next year’s changes in fees and funding.

No change is proposed to the simple principle behind the RAM - that schools receive what they earn, and pay for what they use, otherwise known as the 'pass through' model.

But a number of adjustments are needed to ensure the model continues to support the University's strategy and remains 'fit for purpose' in the new funding environment.  The total amount of money available is not affected by the proposed changes to the model.

A group has been reviewing the RAM following questions from schools during last year's planning round.  Its recommendations, debated at Senate, include:

  • A new 'parenting' allowance of £600 for all taught students
  • Allowing all fee income to pass through to schools, rather than retaining some central funds for bursaries and estates maintenance
  • A new method to recover the cost of access/widening participation activities and recruiting international students.

Other adjustments relating to staff and turnover charge definitions are also proposed.  The impact of all these changes on school and faculty budgets will be modelled and recommendations for changes brought back to Senate for endorsement ahead of the March meeting of the University's governing body, Council.

It is expected that the revised model will be in place for this year's planning round.  The RAM was last reviewed in 2005, and Senate was advised that it would be reviewed every five years.

Read the report from the RAM steering group

View the guide to the University's funding and charging methodology

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