IC-SES – call for papers

The International Conference on Sustainable Energy Storage will take place in the Europa Hotel, Belfast, UK from 21-24 February 2011.

You are invited to submit abstracts for consideration via the conference website http://www.cst.ulster.ac.uk/ses/

The international Scientific Committee will select appropriate abstracts to be developed as conference papers for oral or poster presentation. Agreements have been made with peer reviewed journals for the publication of quality submissions.

The conference will provide a forum for researchers to present original work, exchange ideas and develop new ideas on energy storage and infrastructure planning for energy storage in the future. It is expected that the conference will be attended by up to 300 participants, from regional and international institutions including universities, businesses and innovation companies.

Along with the presentations there will also be a Work in Progress workshop for younger researchers to gain wider feedback on their work, exposure to the scientific community and networking opportunities for future career development.

If you and your colleagues would just like to participate at the conference and in the social programmes that are planned please respond as early as possible to the conference administrators Mrs Marcella McCann (m.mccann1@ulster.ac.uk) or Mrs Thelma Potsworth (tm.potsworth@ulster.ac.uk).

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