Government response to Browne report

The Government has announced plans for major reforms to higher education and student finance.

Key proposals include a rise in tuition fees from £3,290 to £6,000 per year. Universities will be able to charge up to £9,000 per year but must actively demonstrate commitments to open access for all regardless of financial status, and ensure widening participation measures are in place.

Graduates earning up to £21,000 per year would not repay any real interest on loans. Those earning £21,000 and £41,000 per year would be charged a real rate of interest, reaching a maximum of inflation (RPI) plus 3%. Anyone earning over £41,000 per year would repay the full rate of RPI plus 3%.

Read a short summary of the proposals

Read the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) press release

Read the Higher Education Funding Council for England response

Read the Russell Group response

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