Talking about Teaching programme: 21st century curricula in research-intensive universities

The Talking about Teaching programme: 21st century curricula in research-intensive universities by Professor Paul Blackmore, will be held on Wednesday 3 November 2010, 10.30 - 1.30.

The Session
Many research-intensive institutions worldwide have been reviewing their undergraduate curricula to ensure that they are appropriate to changing times and attractive in a competitive climate.  King's College London and the University of Warwick have undertaken a major study, visiting 25 institutions in six countries, to find out what has been happening and why and to identify changes that have been effective.  The session will offer an overview of project findings and explore some of the key issues in curriculum review, including debates on the nature of "graduateness", the role of the formal and informal curriculum and the ways in which research intensive institutions can build better teaching on the foundations of their research.

The Speaker
Paul Blackmore joined King's College London in 2007 as Professor of Higher Education and Director of King's Learning Institute, following previous roles at the University of Warwick and Coventry University.  He writes extensively on aspects of higher education, including the nature of professional expertise in professional settings and conceptions of development in universities.  He has recently completed funded projects on course and module leadership and on issues in interdisciplinarity, for the Higher Education Academy and the Leadership Foundation respectively.  Paul took a leading role in a fundamental review of curricula at King's, which resulted in the formation of a major HEFCE-funded project led by Paul on behalf of King's College and the University of Warwick.

To register, please contact Catherine Porter (email or call 36658) ; all places will be confirmed by email.  The seminar is free of charge to University of Leeds staff (a £20.00 charge will apply to cancellations made after 12 noon on Tuesday 2nd  November, illnesses and family emergencies excepted).

Talking about Teaching (T@T) is a programme of events, led by nationally recognised speakers, that is designed to provide new ideas and promote discussion about a range of aspects of learning and teaching.  An important part of the series is that the presentations are underpinned by research and scholarship in learning & teaching. 

See for details of all T@T events, and the other events for 2010/11 are:

 Keri Facer  Manchester Met  16th November 2010 Beyond Current Horizons
 Stan Taylor  Durham  3 February 2011 The Post-Humboldtian Doctorate: implications for supervisory practice
 Gwen Van Der Velden  Bath  5 April 2011 The student voice: enhancing learning not just satisfaction
 Dai Hounsell  Edinburgh  10  May 2011 How can we enhance feedback to students in times of constrained resources?
 Colin Raban  Derby  21 June 2011 Managing academic risk: spitting in the wind ?

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