Clinical Psychology Training Programme

Medication Adherence in people with chronic Physical health conditions (MAP) study.

We are looking for participants with any type of chronic physical health condition, aged 13 and over for a study exploring psychological responses to taking medications. The study will involve completing a simple online survey.

All participants will be asked if possible to complete the same questionnaire twice, once now and the other 3 months after completing the first version.

We are conducting a study looking at how people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviours relate to their adherence to medication. Your participation will increase our knowledge in this area.

You will be asked to complete a brief questionnaire asking about some general background information, your medical history, how your physical health condition has impacted your life, and how you think, feel, and behave in response to taking your medication.

Overall, this study should last no longer than twenty to thirty minutes.

Young people (aged 13-15 years) must ask their parents to sign a consent statement first.

Consent form for young people (aged 13-17 years-old).

Consent form for adults (18+).

  • Contact: Anthony Harrison Doctoral Candidate Clinical Psychology Clinical Psychology Training Programme Institute of Health SciencesT: @antmarkharrisonE:
  • Ethical approval reference number: MREC17-068
  • Closing date for participants: 31 March 2019